Campus Life

Student Organizations

There are over 200 student organizations for you to join at Long Island University. Participate in the Campus Experience Fair each semester or visit Experience Shark Nation to join an organization.
It’s also easy to start your own New Student Organization. Meet with your Success Coach to discuss how to get started!


Campus Events

There are thousands of events each year across LIU campuses that bring together our Shark Nation community. To learn more about events, you can check your LIU email each Monday or visit the campus calendar on Experience Shark Nation.


Residence Life

As a residential student, you will be part of an exciting college community that attracts students from all over the world. Living on campus allows you to become totally immersed in college life and immerse yourself in our Division I student life.

Residence LifeDining

Student Run Businesses

Cultivate real-world business skills well before graduation at LIU’s on-campus student-run businesses, such as The Student Body, a fashion boutique, and Browse, an authorized Apple products retailer and all-purpose technology center!
These micro-stores provide real-world experiences right on campus in owning and running a business as students independently manage, market, operate, and staff these ventures.

Explore Student Run Businesses

National Fraternities and Sororities

LIU is home to one of the fastest growing Greek communities in the nation. You will have the opportunity to join some of the largest national fraternities and sororities in the world. Joining an organization provides students with chances for networking, friendship, leadership, and service.


Division I Athletics & Campus Recreation

Shark Nation is at the heart of Long Island University. Our championship athletic program includes nearly 40 sports, spirit teams, and an award-winning Esports program.


LIU Cares

Our LIU Cares initiative highlights the caring and altruistic nature of our community. Each year, students participate in over 150,000 hours of community service.


Non-Discrimination and Advocacy Resources

Long Island University is committed to fostering a welcoming and supportive environment where all members of our community can thrive and succeed.


Brooklyn Campus
1 University Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Post Campus
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548

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