Kathy K. Isoldi, PhD, RDN
Associate Professor of NutritionRegistered Dietitian
B.A., Queens College of the City University of New YorkM.S., Ph.D., New York University, New York, NY
Dr. Isoldi has been a registered dietitian practicing in the field of nutrition for the past 35 years. Her interests include body weight regulation, diabetes management, childhood obesity prevention and the prevention of chronic diseases through lifestyle interventions. She brings her many years of clinical experiences with her to the classroom setting, providing the practical application of client care theories to her teaching. Dr. Isoldi teaches both undergraduate and graduate students, including a blended learning platform in select graduate courses.
Dr. Isoldi currently conducts active research investigating the effectiveness of a nutrition education and culinary skill development program in reducing childhood obesity risk. Since 2011 her research endeavor, Cooking Up Energy® (CUE), has been conducted in local Boys and Girls Clubs during afterschool hours. To date, more than 350 children have participated in the CUE program and preliminary outcomes are encouraging. Dr. Isoldi offers nutrition students the opportunity to volunteer for her program and work directly with her study participants. In addition, Dr. Isoldi is the United States Team Coordinator for a multi-country survey study investigating the underlying motivations prompting food choices in adults. This global study includes 65 researchers from 16 countries and will include a collaboration of outcomes for investigative purposes.
Childhood Obesity; Adult Obesity; Nutrition Counseling; Food and Culture
Co-author (2017) Obesity with comorbid stress urinary incontinence in women: a narrative review to inform dietetics practice.
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2017;117(6):889-907.
Author (2016) Cooking Up Energy® with predominately Latino children during afterschool hours. American Journal of Health Behavior, 40(5):634-644. Co-author (2016) The role of perilipins in the development of obesity and obesity-related diseases. Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 31(3):248-254.
Author (2015) Blending better beverage options: A nutrition education and experiential workshop for youths. Journal of Obesity, Article ID# 351734, 9 pgs. doi: 10.1155/2015/351734
Author (2014) Regulation of classroom celebrations through school wellness policies: Parental perspectives. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 1(5), 362-372.
Author (2014) Cooking Up Energy®: Response to a youth-focused cooking and nutrition education program. Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 29(2), 123-131.
Author (2012). Calories in the classroom: foods offered and consumed during classroom parties at an elementary school in a low-income, urban community. Childhood Obesity, 8(4):378-383.
Author (2012) A closer look at classroom “cupcake” celebrations: foods offered and consumed. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2012;44(1):71-75.
Lectures and Presentations
Battling Childhood Obesity: Effectively Translating Messages of Success to Children and Families, March 5th, 2016; Long Island Dietetic Association
Childhood Obesity Prevention and the Home Day Care Environment: Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques with Providers to Prompt Healthy Habits, September 18th, 2015, New York State Eat Well, Play Hard Program
The War on Childhood Obesity: Present Progress and Future Directions, Mary 18th, 2015; New York Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Don’t be a Talking Head: Engaging Your Client Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques for Effective Lifestyle Change Counseling, Mary 18th, 2015, The New York Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Beyond PB&J: Cooking Up a Lifetime of Health for Kids, April 13, 2013; Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; Indianapolis, IN)
Recipient of the Gold Heart Award for offering experiential learning experiences to students, Long Island University/Post, 2014
Nominated for Outstanding Dissertation Award, New York University, 2010
Recipient of Dean’s Grant for Graduate Student Research Award- Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. New York University, 2006
Professional Affiliations
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)
AND- Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group
AND- Nutrition and Dietetics Educators and Preceptors
New York Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Long Island Dietetic Association
Member of Alpha Eta