Literacy is an important part of a child's social, emotional and intellectual development. The stronger a child's reading and comprehension skills, the greater the child's potential for life-long success.

The 48-credit M.S. program explores the values of reading, writing and technology and will train you to become a New York State certified teacher of children in grades 1 to 6.

Admissions Requirements

  1. B.A./B.S. degree from an accredited institution with a minimum GPA of 3.00. (An applicant with an undergraduate average below 3.0 may be admitted as a limited matriculant under special circumstances.)
  2. Two professional letters of recommendation
  3. A written statement of professional goals
  4. Liberal Arts concentration of at least thirty credits, with a minimum of 18 credits in one liberal arts area
  5. College-level work in artistic expression, oral or written communication, history and social sciences, humanities, science, math, written analysis and expression, and a language other than English, competency in information retrieval.
  6. Students newly admitted to master's degree or advanced certificate programs are required by New York State to submit evidence of having taken a standardized examination that provides an indication of future success as a teacher.

Plan of Study

44 Credits

Tier I: Core Courses (12 credits)

Course Number

Course Title


TED 500

Lives of Children


TED 505

Issues in Education


TED 510

Introduction to Students with Disabilities


TED 515

Multicultural Perspectives in Education


Before Tier II, students must demonstrate proficiency in the following ways:

  • Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Demonstrate competence in writing

Tier II: Methods Courses (28 credits)

Course Number

Course Title


TED 600

Introduction to Students with Learning Problems


SPC 650

Developmental Psychopathology


TED 520

Language and Literacy


TED 640

Phonological Awareness and Beginning Reading


TED 616

Applied Behavior Anal. For Students w/Disabilities


TED 620

Collaboration in Inclusive Settings


TED 641

Curriculum and Methods for Early Childhood Educ.


TED 642

Observ. and Assessment in Early Child. Classroom


TED 636

Early Childhood Special Education


TED 545

Promoting Wellness in the Classroom


Tier III: Field Experiences (4 credits)

Course Number

Course Title


TED 722
TED 723

Seminar and Student Teaching: Early Childhood/Special Education
Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Early Childhood/Special Education


Course Descriptions

TED 500 Lives of Children

This course focuses on the experience of childhood from infancy to pre- adolescence using developmental, historical, and cultural approaches. Students consider different theories of development with implications for learning and instruction. Consideration will be given to the role of culture, gender, disability, race, class, language, and sexual orientation in the process of learning and development.
3 Credits

TED 505 Issues in Education

This course examines the intersection of individuals, families, schools, communities, and society as they exist and interact in a range of settings. Through readings and class discussions, students explore schooling from historical, philosophical, sociological, economic, and political perspectives. Students also investigate how factors such as language ability, socioeconomic class, ethnicity, race, gender, and sexuality influence and shape education.
3 Credits

TED 510 Introduction to Students with Disabilities

This course focuses on the nature and needs of students with a range of disabilities and special health-care needs, and the effect of these disabilities and needs on learning and behavior. Course participants examine the field of special education including historical perspectives and current practices, legal mandates, assessment and planning procedures, and instructional strategies. Students also explore the uses of technology, instructional as well as assistive, to enhance teaching and learning. They develop skills for collaborating with families as well as with other professionals in order to help students with disabilities attain their highest levels of academic achievement and independence.
3 Credits

TED 511 Critical Topics in Special Education

Designed for those seeking special education certification, this course examines a range of critical topics in special education, e.g., understanding federal and state regulations governing special education; working with students with moderate, severe and multiple disabilities; confronting the challenges of autism. Topics may change from semester to semester to reflect changes in the field.
3 Credits

TED 515 Multicultural Perspectives in Education

This course examines the historical evolution, theories, and practices of multicultural education. Factors of race, ethnicity, culture, language, socioeconomic status, gender, ability, and sexual orientation are explored as they relate to teaching and learning. Students investigate instructional strategies and design curricula that support multicultural education and select and evaluate commercially available multicultural curricula and literature. 
3 Credits

TED 516 Learning in Bilingual/Multicultural Settings

This course focuses on the individual, social, cognitive and linguistic nature of bilingualism, including second language acquisition, sociology of language, and the relationship between language and culture. Students also explore the socio-political, historical, and legal foundations that have shaped bilingual and multicultural education policies, program models, and teaching and assessment practices. In addition, students develop an understanding of the distinction between language differences and language disability as they examine issues relating to second language learners with diverse learning needs. Field experience required.
3 Credits

TED 520 Language and Literacy

This course focuses on the relationship between oral language and reading and writing. Students examine theories of cognition, syntactic and semantic development, comprehension, metalinguistic, and vocabulary growth and how they relate to reading and writing processes. Principles of first and second language acquisition, dialectal differences, and the development of literacy in English language learners, bilingual children, and youngsters with a range of learning difficulties are addressed. Attention is focused on the social and cultural contexts of language use, function, and literacy acquisition. Students examine approaches to curriculum development and instruction based on theories of language development, learning processes, motivation, and reading and writing acquisition.
3 Credits

TED 525 Teaching Literacy and Language Arts 1-6

This course focuses on the teaching of literacy in grades 1-6 to native English speakers and students who are English language learners, including methods of reading enrichment and remediation. Students are introduced to theories of literacy development, a variety of approaches for teaching reading, writing, listening and speaking, including strategies for teaching phonological awareness, word recognition, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and building literacy in the content areas. Assessing literacy abilities, organizing and managing the classroom for literacy instruction, and using technology for teaching and learning are also addressed.
3 Credits

TED 530 Teaching Social Studies/ The Arts 1-6

This course examines curriculum development, instructional planning, and multiple research validated instructional strategies for teaching social studies to children within the full range of abilities in the childhood classroom. Students also explore a variety of art forms to integrate arts activities into the curriculum.
3 Credits

TED 535 Teaching Science/ Technology 1-6

This course examines curriculum development, instructional planning, and multiple research validated instructional strategies for teaching science to children within the full range of abilities in the childhood classroom. Students explore the uses of technology in teaching and learning, instructional as well as assistive technology, to acquire information, communicate and, overall, enhance teaching and learning.
3 Credits

TED 540 Teaching Math/Technology 1-6

This course focuses on curriculum development, instructional planning, and multiple research validated instructional strategies for teaching mathematics to children within the full range of abilities in the childhood classroom as well as formal and informal methods of assessing mathematical learning. Students also learn to use technology for acquiring mathematical skills and strategies, problem solving, and overall, enhancing teaching and learning. 
3 Credits

TED 545 Promoting Wellness in the Classroom

This course focuses on the knowledge and strategies needed by teachers to ensure a safe and nurturing learning environment. Topics include, but are not limited to, means for identifying and reporting suspected child abuse and maltreatment, means for instructing students for the purpose of preventing child abduction, preventing alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse, providing safety education, providing instruction in fire and arson prevention, and means for the prevention of and intervention in school violence.
1 Credit

TED 550 Teaching Literacy 5-12

This course focuses on the teaching of the literacy skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to native English speakers and to students who are English language learners at the middle childhood and adolescence education levels, including methods of reading enrichment and remediation. Students are introduced to theories of literacy development, a variety of approaches to teaching literacy, particularly strategies for teaching vocabulary, comprehension, and building literacy in the content areas. Assessing literacy abilities, organizing and managing the classroom for literacy instruction, and using technology for teaching and learning are also addressed.
3 Credits

TED 555 Foundations of Middle Childhood Education

This course explores academic, social, and emotional issues that impact on middle childhood education. Strategies for fostering motivation, promoting positive social interaction skills, classroom management, assessment, curriculum development, and instruction, for students within the full range of abilities, in a middle school environment, are addressed. Course participants also focus on building collaborative relationships among students, families, and school personnel.
3 Credits

TED 560 Teaching Methods in Middle Childhood and Adolescence Education: General

This course focuses on curriculum approaches, assessment techniques, techniques for classroom management and organization, uses of technology, and research validated instructional strategies appropriate for students within the full range of abilities at the middle childhood and adolescence education levels.
3 Credits

TED 566 Teaching Methods in Middle Childhood and Adolescence: English

This course explores approaches to curriculum planning and development, assessment, and instruction for English at the middle childhood and adolescence education levels. Course participants examine ways to use technology (assistive and instructional), for both teaching and learning, and become familiar with multiple research validated teaching strategies for students within the full range of abilities at the middle childhood and adolescence levels to master the learning standards in English.
3 Credits

TED 567 Teaching Methods in Middle Childhood and Adolescence: Social Studies

This course explores approaches to curriculum planning and development, assessment, and instruction for Social Studies at the middle childhood and adolescence education levels. Course participants examine ways to use technology assistive and instructional), for both teaching and learning, and become familiar with multiple research validated teaching strategies for students within the full range of abilities at the middle childhood and adolescence levels to master the learning standards in Social Studies.
3 Credits

TED 568 Teaching Methods in Middle Childhood and Adolescence: Languages Other Than English

This course focuses on curriculum development, formal and informal assessment techniques, and research validated instructional strategies for teaching languages other than English to students within the full range of abilities. Course participants explore approaches to the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and communicating in a new language, including culturally relevant material for those cultures represented by the target language. Students learn to incorporate interventions for remediation and enrichment as well as the uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning. Field work required.
3 Credits

TED 569 Teaching Languages Other Than English in Childhood

This course focuses on teaching languages other than English in grades 1-6. The course examines curriculum development, formal and informal assessment techniques, and research validated instructional strategies for teaching languages to children within the full range of abilities. Course participants explore approaches to the teaching of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and communicating in a new language, including culturally relevant material for those cultures represented by the target language. Students learn to incorporate interventions for remediation and enrichment as well as the uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning.
3 Credits

TED 571 Teaching Methods in Middle Childhood and Adolescence: Mathematics and Science

This course explores approaches to curriculum planning and development, assessment, and instruction for Mathematics at the middle childhood and adolescence education levels. Course participants examine ways to use technology (assistive and instructional), for both teaching and learning, and become familiar with multiple research validated teaching strategies for students within the full range of abilities at the middle childhood and adolescence levels to master the learning standards in Mathematics.
3 Credits

TED 572 Teaching Methods in Middle Childhood and Adolescence: Science

This course explores approaches to curriculum planning and development, assessment, and instruction for Science at the middle childhood and adolescence education levels. Course participants examine ways to use technology (assistive and instructional), for both teaching and learning, and become familiar with multiple research validated teaching strategies for students within the full range of abilities at the middle childhood and adolescence levels to master the learning standards in Science.
3 Credits

TED 575 Lives of Adolescents

This course focuses on the experiences of pre-adolescents and adolescents from diverse backgrounds with a range of abilities using developmental, historical, and cultural approaches. Theories of development are studied as they apply to the adolescent learner in families, communities, peer groups and schools. Physical, cognitive, socio-emotional and moral domains of development with implications for learning will be studied. Throughout the course, attention will be given to ways in which culture, gender, disability, race, class, language, ethnicity and sexual orientation play roles in the process of learning and development.
3 Credits

TED 600 Introduction to Students with Learning Problems

This course focuses on the nature and needs of children and adolescents with learning disabilities and with other mild disabilities that interfere with learning. Students explore historical trends, current issues, definitions, etiological factors, and social/emotional components. They also study the theoretical bases for and practical applications of assessments and interventions. 
3 Credits

TED 601 Introduction to Students with Learning Literacy Problems

This course focuses on the nature and needs of children and adolescents with learning disabilities and with other mild disabilities that interfere with the acquisition of literacy skills and strategies. Students explore historical trends, current issues, definitions, etiological factors, and social/emotional components. They also study the theoretical bases for and practical applications of assessments and intervention.
3 Credits

TED 605 Teaching Students with Learning Problems

This course focuses on curriculum development, instructional planning and research validated methods of teaching students with mild disabilities, such as learning disabilities, including, but not limited to, methods of teaching literacy, mathematics, and social skills. In addition, course participants examine the impact of the inclusion of students with moderate to severe disabilities on teaching and learning in mainstream settings. Students also explore how to plan and manage teaching/learning environments and use assistive and instructional technology so youngsters with disabilities can be successful in a range of settings, particularly the general education classroom, and best access the general education curriculum.
3 Credits

TED 610 Assessing Students with Literacy and Learning Problems

This course focuses on the assessment of children and youth with a range of literacy and/or learning problems. Course participants explore a range of assessment measures and strategies and how to use information gathered through assessment and analysis to plan or modify instruction utilizing an RTI framework. Topics covered include measurement concepts, administering tests and interpreting test data, communicating testing information to parents, caregivers, and school personnel, using testing information for instructional planning, and legal mandates. Students will be required to perform assessments.
3 Credits

TED 611 Assessing Literacy Skills

This course explores a range of formal and informal assessment measures used to identify literacy needs and to monitor student progress in literacy. Course participants will study principles of diagnosing reading, writing and language difficulties, characteristics of formal and informal assessment instruments, the selection and administration of a range of instruments, and the use and communication of the results of literacy assessments.
3 Credits

TED 612 Assessment for English Language Learners in Special Education

This course is designed to develop competency in implementing appropriate multidisciplinary assessment techniques for English language learners with disabilities. Students will examine both formal and informal assessment instruments and strategies, and will analyze them in the context of planning for IEP (Individualized Educational Program) objectives. Field work required.
3 Credits

TED 613 Assessment and Interventions for Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

In this course, participants explore both formative and summative assessments of students with autistic spectrum disorder, and examine evidence-based instructional and behavioral methods/interventions and supports.
3 Credits

TED 615 Classroom Management in Inclusive Settings

This course focuses on theoretical and practical approaches, and research validated intervention strategies, for planning, managing, and organizing teaching/ learning environments so as to manage behavior of students in inclusive settings and promote the development of positive social interaction skills.
3 Credits

TED 616 Applied Behavior Analysis for Students with Disabilities

This course provides information on the basic principles of applied behavior analysis as they pertain to children with special needs. Behavioral techniques will be contrasted with alternative management techniques. Students will learn practical strategies for implementing behavioral management programs in special education settings.
3 Credits

TED 618 Nature and Needs of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This course focuses on the nature and needs of children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Course participants explore characteristics of students with ASD as well as current issues, definitions, and etiological factors. They also study a range of evidence-based instructional and behavioral interventions and service delivery systems.
1 Credit

TED 620 Collaboration in Inclusive Settings

This course focuses on developing collaborative partnerships for the benefit of educating diverse populations of students. Participants develop strategies for strengthening family partnerships, and collaborating with other school personnel including general and special educators, school psychologists and counselors and literacy and library media specialists. The goal of collaboration is to organize instructional programs and develop curricula, share information for assessment and instructional planning, and monitor student progress.
3 Credits

TED 625 Interventions in Reading

This course examines theories of literacy development and individual differences to form a basis for understanding possible difficulties encountered in mastering literacy skills. Interventions, for all aspects of literacy acquisition, appropriate for students experiencing difficulty are addressed.
3 Credits

TED 630 Math/Technology for Students with Learning Problems

This course focuses on curriculum development, instructional planning, and research validated instructional strategies for teaching mathematics and for using technology (assistive and instructional), for students with learning problems. Among the topics presented are the uses of technology to enhance and assist learning, the nature of math disabilities, designing and administering assessment measures for mathematics, methods for enrichment and remediation in mathematics and organizing the classroom for instruction.
3 Credits

TED 635 Adolescents with Learning Problems

This course examines the academic and social/ emotional needs of adolescents with learning problems while they are in middle and secondary school, and the issues they face, and the competencies they need, as they prepare to transition from school to employment or post-secondary training and adult life. Course participants explore characteristics of these learners, and examine a range of research validated and practical interventions for enhancing academic performance, managing behavior, promoting the development of positive social interaction skills and competencies associated with self-determination. Also addressed is the transition services initiative: its history and legislation, models of service delivery, and strategies for developing linkages among agencies and personnel.
3 Credits

TED 636 Early Childhood Special Education

This course explores how various disabilities impact a child's development in key domains such as motor skills, cognitive skills, language skills and social emotional skills. Various models for providing education to young children with special needs are described, ranging from center-based models to inclusive preschool programs. Emphasis is placed on the importance of collaboration among parents, teachers and other professionals in order to maximize student growth.
3 Credits

TED 640 Phonological Awareness and Beginning Reading Instruction

This course explores ways teachers, and teachers working with families and other professionals, create positive instructional environments for beginning readers and writers. This course also examines curriculum development, assessment, and instructional strategies for teaching beginning reading and writing skills and strategies, particularly phonological awareness, to children within the full range of abilities.
3 Credits

TED 641 Curriculum and Methods for Early Childhood Education

This course examines the evolving early childhood curriculum and looks at ways in which historical antecedents to today's early childhood programs and the framework of developmentally appropriate practice impact contemporary classrooms. Special focus is on the design of curricula that integrate language arts, mathematics, science, instructional and assistive technology, and expressive arts in a holistic framework. Students will examine research validated instructional strategies for teaching students with the full range of abilities.
3 Credits

TED 642 Observation and Assessment in the Early Childhood Classroom

This course explores formal and informal methods of assessing student learning, including a variety of observational techniques, with an eye to evaluating one's own instructional practice. Students will develop skill in using information gathered through observation and assessment to plan and modify instruction.
3 Credits

TED 643 Literacy Instruction Through Child and Adolescent Literature

This course focuses on providing student-centered, developmentally appropriate support for literacy learning using various literary genres, the goal is to equip professionals with the understanding and sensitivity needed to assist in the advancement of the literacy knowledge of children from birth through grade twelve. Methods of using literature to encourage and enrich language development, as well as skill in reading and writing, are presented.
3 Credits

TED 644 Writing and Thinking Skills: An Interdisciplinary Approach

This course focuses on curriculum development and research-validated instructional strategies designed to make reading, writing, thinking, and oral language connections. This course is appropriate for teachers working with students of varying abilities at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
3 Credits

TED 645 Methods of Teaching Writing

This course focuses on curriculum development, formal and informal assessment techniques, and research validated instructional strategies for teaching writing to students within the full range of abilities. Course participants explore approaches to the teaching of writing, particularly the process writing approach, interventions for remediation and enrichment, and the uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning.
3 Credits

TED 646 Literacy through the Arts

This course explores ways of integrating reading, writing and the arts, including literary, visual and performing arts, as well as using the arts and literacy to enrich the lives of children of varying abilities and with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Students will examine the theory and rationale behind such instruction and develop a variety of pedagogical techniques for classroom implementation.
3 Credits

TED 649 Connecting Reading and Writing

This course focuses on curriculum development, formal and informal assessment techniques, and research-validated instructional strategies for making the reading/writing connection. Course participants will have the opportunity to work directly with children and/or adolescents in need of support with literacy skills and strategies.
3 Credits

TED 650 Second Language Acquisition

This course examines the theories of language acquisition and focuses on the factors that influence the acquisition of a second language, including cultural and societal, as well as linguistic variables. Students explore the processes by which a learner develops language proficiency and analyze the stages that naturally occur during these processes. Issues specific to language learning in children, adolescents, and adults will be addressed.
3 Credits

TED 654 Teaching Academic Literacy

This course focuses on teaching academic literacy through practical applications of current techniques to enhance the understanding and use of academic language, to promote a high level of reading comprehension and analysis and written expression and analysis as well as to increase performance on literacy assessments. The goal is to create lifelong writers and readers who think cogently and write lucidly.
3 credits

TED 655 Fundamentals of Linguistics

This course explores the underlying structure of languages, including phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and discourse patterns. Particular attention is given to those aspects relevant for language teachers.
3 Credits

TED 660 English and Its Structure

In this course students focus on the grammatical structure of English in order to develop curriculum and instructional strategies for the teaching of morphology and syntax to English language learners.
3 Credits

TED 665 Literacy K-12 in ESOL Programs

This course examines the teaching of the literacy skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in grades K-12, including methods of reading enrichment and remediation, to students who are English language learners. Field work required.
3 Credits

TED 668 Approaches to the Teaching of Students without Prior Schooling

This course examines the cultural and pedagogical issues that influence school learning for a student population, known as SLIFE, Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education. The course includes an analysis of research validated approaches to SLIFE curriculum, instruction, and assessment for students K-adult. Field work required.
3 Credits

TED 670 Teaching Content Areas in ESOL Programs

This course examines methods of second language teaching for the presentation of content area material in math, science, social studies and language arts to students who are English language learners. The course includes an analysis of research validated approaches to content area curriculum, instruction, and assessment for students K-12. Field work required.
3 Credits

TED 674 Methods of Teaching Adult ESL/EFL

This course focuses on research validated instructional strategies, standards-based curriculum development, and formal and informal assessment techniques for teaching English as a second or foreign language to adults. Course participants explore approaches to instruction in a variety of settings, including: community based programs, workplace programs, post-secondary programs, and overseas teaching. Field work required.
3 Credits

TED 675 Methods and Materials for TESOL

This course examines curriculum development, instructional planning, multiple research validated instructional strategies, and surveys a range of commercially available materials appropriate for teaching English language learners. Theories of language learning and methods for integrating them into classroom practice are addressed.
3 Credits

TED 676 Instruction in the Native Language Bilingual Programs

This course explores theories of literacy and related teaching practices to develop native language reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, and to use native language in teaching the content areas (mathematics, science, and social studies). Students learn techniques of assessing native literacy skills and become familiar with native language resources in the community through evaluating culturally appropriate curricula, children's literature and media. Students also analyze and strengthen their own biliteracy skills. Field work required.
3 Credits

TED 677 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in ESOL Programs

This course examines curriculum development, instructional planning, and both formal and informal assessments for programs in English English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). The course includes a survey of current state and federal regulations, standards, and assessments regarding the instruction of English learners K-adult. Field work required.
3 Credits

TED 681 Communication Development and Language Disorders in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

This course explores the language and communication characteristics of children along the spectrum, the assessment tools used to collect and analyze data, to monitor progress and inform instruction related to language, and the interventions designed to address the range of language and communication needs.
3 Credits

TED 682 Contemporary Issues and Research in Autistic Spectrum Disorders

In this course, participants examine and reflect upon current issues and research related to autistic spectrum disorders including, but not limited to, etiology and prevalence, characteristics, diagnostic issues, philosophical issues, legal issues, and biological and psychosocial bases of the disorder.
3 Credits

TED 696 Differentiating Instruction for Gifted Children and Youth

Principles of differentiated instruction in content, process, and product are examined in this course in order to address the curricular needs of gifted children and youth. Grouping practices, methods of instruction, program options, and ways of meeting learner needs in school and in the broader community will be examined. A differentiated classroom environment will be studied, and tiered lessons will be created and assessed.
3 Credits

TED 697 Nature and Needs of the Gifted

Historical and psychological perspectives on the nature and needs of gifted children and youth are examined. Conceptions of giftedness and theories of intelligence, as well as how these theories have evolved over time, will be discussed. Issues regarding methods of classification and programming, as well as working with other school personnel, parents, and the broader community, will also be addressed.
3 Credits

TED 700 Field Experience: Childhood

Students are involved in an elementary classroom experience where they observe and participate in all classroom activities, on a daily basis, for a two-week period. This experience precedes student teaching.
2 Credits

TED 701 Field Experience: Early Childhood/Childhood Education

Students are involved in both early childhood and elementary classroom experience where they observe and participate in all classroom activities, on a daily basis, for a two-week period. This experience precedes student teaching.
2 Credits

TED 702 Seminar and Student Teaching: Early Childhood Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve weeks, student teaching experience at the early childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 703 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Early Childhood Education

Students participate in a full- time, twelve weeks, supervised teaching experience at the early childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 705 Seminar and Student Teaching: Childhood

Students participate in a full-time, twelve weeks, student teaching experience at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar. 
4 Credits

TED 706 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Childhood

Students participate in a full- time, twelve weeks, supervised teaching experience at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 707 Seminar and Student Teaching: Early Childhood/ Childhood Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week student teaching experience in an early childhood as well as a childhood education setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 708 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Early Childhood/Childhood Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week student teaching experience in an early childhood as well as a childhood education setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 710 Practicum in Literacy for Students with Learning Problems, Grades 1-6

In this course, participants evaluate and teach a youngster in the childhood grades who is experiencing difficulty in acquiring literacy skills and strategies. Class discussions focus on assessment techniques and research validated instructional strategies effective for teaching all aspects of literacy acquisition.
3 Credits

TED 715 Practicum in Literacy for Students with Learning Problems, Grades 5-12

In this course participants evaluate and teach a youngster, in grades 5-12, who is experiencing difficulty with literacy skills and strategies. Class discussions focus on assessment techniques and research validated instructional strategies effective for teaching all aspects of literacy acquisition and development.
3 Credits

TED 720 Seminar and Student Teaching: Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full time, twelve-week student teaching experience in a special education or inclusive educational setting at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 721 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve week supervised teaching experience in a special education or inclusive education setting at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 722 Seminar and Student Teaching: Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week student teaching experience in an early childhood setting as well as an early childhood special education setting or an inclusive early childhood setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar. 
4 Credits

TED 723 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve week supervised teaching experience in an early childhood setting as well as an early childhood special education setting or an inclusive early childhood setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar. 
4 Credits

TED 725 Seminar and Student Teaching: Childhood and Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week student teaching experience in a childhood education as well as a childhood special education setting or in an inclusive childhood education setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar. 
4 Credits

TED 726 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Childhood and Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full time, twelve week supervised teaching experience in a childhood education as well as a childhood special education setting or an inclusive childhood education setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar. 
4 Credits

TED 729 Seminar and Student Teaching: Early Childhood Education

Students participate in a full- time, six weeks, supervised teaching experience at the early childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 730 Seminar and Student Teaching: Middle Childhood / Adolescence Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week /student teaching experience in a special education or inclusive setting at the middle and adolescence education levels. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 731 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Middle Childhood / Adolescence Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve week supervised teaching experience in a special education or inclusive setting at the middle and adolescence levels. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.

2 Credits

TED 732 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Early Childhood Education

Students participate in a full-time, six weeks, supervised teaching experience at the early childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 733 Seminar and Student Teaching: Early Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, six-week, student teaching experience in a special education classroom at the early childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 734 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Early Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, six-week, supervised teaching experience in a special education classroom at the early childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 735 Writing Internship I

In this internship, course participants work with students, evaluating, planning, developing curricula and teaching skills and strategies for writing.
2 Credits

TED 740 Writing Internship II

In this second internship, course participants work with students evaluating, planning, developing curricula, and teaching skills and strategies in writing.
2 Credits

TED 741 Seminar and Student Teaching: Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, six-week student teaching experience in an inclusive early childhood setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 742 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full-time, six-week supervised teaching experience in an inclusive early childhood setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 745 Field Experience: Middle Childhood and Adolescence

Students are involved in adolescence education experiences where they observe and participate in all classroom activities, on a daily basis, for a two-week period. This experience precedes student teaching.
2 Credits

TED 746 Field Experience: Adolescence Education

Students are involved in adolescence education experiences where they observe and participate in all classroom activities, on a daily basis, for a two-week period. This experience precedes student teaching.
2 Credits

TED 750 Seminar and Student Teaching: Middle Childhood and Adolescence

Students participate in a full time, twelve-week student teaching experience in middle childhood and adolescence education settings. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 751 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Middle Childhood and Adolescence

Students participate in a full time, twelve week supervised teaching experience in middle childhood and adolescence education settings. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 752 Seminar and Student Teaching: Adolescence Education

Students participate in a full time, twelve-week student teaching experience in adolescence education settings. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 753 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Adolescence Education

Students participate in a full time, twelve week supervised teaching experience in adolescence education settings. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 760 Seminar and Student Teaching: Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full time, 6 weeks, or half time 12 week, student teaching experience in a special education setting at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 761 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a full time 6 week, or half-time 12 week supervised teaching experience in a special education setting at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 762 Seminar and Student Teaching II: Childhood Special Education

Prerequisite: TED 760. Students participate in a second six-week student teaching experience in a special education or inclusive educational setting at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar. 
2 Credits

TED 763 Seminar and Supervised Teaching II: Childhood Special Education

Students participate in a second six-week supervised teaching experience in a special education or inclusive educational setting at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
Prerequisite: TED 761
2 Credits

TED 765 Field Experience: TESOL

Students are placed in an ESOL setting where they observe and participate in all classroom activities, on a full-time, daily basis for a two-week period. This experience precedes student teaching.
2 Credits

TED 770 Seminar and Student Teaching: TESOL

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week student teaching experience in an ESOL setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 771 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: TESOL

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week student teaching experience in an ESOL setting. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 775 Field Experience: Childhood and TESOL

Students are placed in Childhood and ESOL settings where they observe and participate in all classroom activities on a full-time, daily basis for a two-week period. This experience precedes student teaching.
2 Credits

TED 780 Seminar and Student Teaching: Childhood and TESOL

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week student teaching experience in ESOL and Childhood settings. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 781 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Childhood and TESOL

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week supervised teaching experience in ESOL and Childhood settings. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 785 Seminar and Student Teaching: Special Education and Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve-week student teaching experience in special education and middle childhood/adolescence education settings. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 786 Seminar and Supervised Teaching: Special Education and Middle Childhood/Adolescence Education

Students participate in a full-time, twelve week supervised teaching experience in special education and middle childhood/adolescence education settings. The classroom experience is accompanied by a supervised teaching seminar.
4 Credits

TED 788 Seminar and Student Teaching: Advanced Certification in Childhood Education

Students participate in a six-week student teaching experience at the childhood level. The classroom experience is accompanied by a student teaching seminar.
2 Credits

TED 799 Special Topics

An intensive study in special areas of interest in the field of teacher education open to matriculated teacher education students with permission of the appropriate Program Director. This opportunity for students to do advanced work under the supervision of a faculty member may be taken only on a Pass/Fail basis.
1 to 2 Credits
