You are just a few clicks away from a personalized cost of attendance estimate
The Net Price Calculator at Long Island University offers an estimate of financial aid for potential full-time undergraduate students. By responding to a few basic inquiries, the calculator will generate an estimation of your total 2024–2025 expenses and eligibility for financial aid at Long Island University.
98% of first-time, full-time freshman receive some form of grant aid.
If you need assistance at any time, one of our financial experts will help you. Click here to contact Enrollment Services.
Note: By completing the Net Price Calculator, you are not applying for aid. The estimated values produced by the calculator may not be the actual amounts students will be offered. All estimates are subject to the availability of funding and review of final transcripts.
To begin the actual financial aid application process, complete a FAFSA.
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Brooklyn, NY 11201
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720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548
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