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Jose Sanchez

José Rámón Sánchez

Professor of Political Science

B.A., Columbia UniversityM.A., University of MichiganPh.D., New York University


A political theorist who has concentrated on urban/ethnic political economy, American politics and the nature of power, Sánchez is a respected authority on Puerto Rican and Latino politics. He has published widely in those fields and is author of the book Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States, published by New York University Press. He is also co-author and co-editor of The Iraq Papers, published by Oxford University Press. He is a dedicated teacher and recipient of the David E. Newton Award for Outstanding Teaching. Dr. Sánchez has served as the chair of the Urban Studies Program at LIU and ws the co-creator and co-director of the LIU-Brooklyn Learning Communities Program. He has served on the board of directors of a number of organizations, including the Institute for Puerto Rican Policy and the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, as well as the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund. He served on the board of the Myrtle Avenue Redevelopment Corporation. He is also chair of the Board of Directors for the National Institute for Latino Policy. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Latino Affairs Journal. He blogs at


Political Theory, Power, Puerto Rican/Latino Politics, Political Science Methods and Writing, Urban Studies, Housing



With John Ehrenberg, Patrice McSherry, Caroleen Marji Sayej, Eds. The Iraq Papers (New York, 2010).

Boricua Power; A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States (New York, 2007).

Book Chapters

"Puerto Rican Politics in the New York City: Still 'Second Hand' Theory," in A. Falcon, G. Haslip, and S. Baver, Eds. Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition, 2nd Ed. (Notre Dame, IN, 2017)

"Puerto Ricans and the 'Door' of Participation in U.S. Politics," in Felix Padilla, Ed., Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States: Sociology (Houston, 1994)

"What About Public Housing?" in A Puerto Rican and Latino Community Agenda, Institute for Puerto Rican Policy, Inc. (Brooklyn, 1992)

"Residual Work and Residual Shelter: Housing Puerto Rican Labor in New York from World War II to 1983," in C. Hartman and A. Meyerson, eds., Critical Perspectives on Housing (Philadelphia, PA, 1986)                         

Data Note: Puerto Ricans and Public Housing in New York, Institute for Puerto Rican Policy, Inc. (Brooklyn, 1992)

 Journal Articles

 “Empire Strikes Back: The US State in Iraq and the Latino Community.”  Camino Real 5: 8 (2013)

Puerto Rico: 51st State or Harbinger of U.S. Decline?” The Society Pages, Online journal (November 29, 2012)

“Review Essay: Latino Political Studies: Lost in the Mainstream.”  New Political Science 22: 2 (2000): 288-294.

"Housing From the Past," in Boletin (Center for Puerto Rican Studies, CUNY, Spring 1989)

Guest Journal Editor

Camino Real, vol. 5, no. 8 (2013)