Michael Sohn
Full-time Instructor, EnglishFaculty Development Coordinator
B.A., The University of ChicagoM.A., New York UniversityPh.D., New York University
Michael Sohn, a full-time instructor of composition and faculty development coordinator, has taught in various capacities at Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus since 1996. Dr. Sohn received a B.A. in general studies in the humanities and in French from The University of Chicago, where he worked on contemporary French poetry and on Samuel Beckett’s auto-translations. He went on to NYU for graduate work in French literature, earning first an M.A. and, eventually, a Ph.D. Dr. Sohn was, and still is, interested in the ways contemporary French poets turn toward and away from the visual arts. At NYU, he found himself for the first time in a composition classroom and has remained in one ever since. He taught for three years in the Expository Writing Program at NYU, where he received extensive training in student-centered and process-orientated pedagogy. He then started teaching composition part time at the Brooklyn Campus. Since arriving at the Brooklyn Campus, Dr. Sohn has taught English 13, 14, 14X, 16, 61, 62 and 64, and has taught in the inaugural year of Core Seminar. He also spent a year working in the Writing Across the Curriculum Program as a WAC coordinator. In his current roles, Dr. Sohn coordinates faculty development sessions and works closely with the director of the Writing Program and the other instructors on curriculum and Writing Program issues.
20th Century French Poetry; French Poetry and Painting; Spatial Poetry, Text and Image
- Author, “An Incoherent Collection? André du Bouchet’s ‘L’Incohérence,’” published in “Curious Collectors, Collected Curiosities: An Interdisciplinary Study” (2010)
- Author, “‘La Dernière Mode’ Motet,” published in Zen Monster (2008)
- Author, “In Mallarmé's Harness? André du Bouchet and Stéphane Mallarmé,” published in French Forum (2007)