
MA in Psychology

The Master's Program in psychology is built on a strong core curriculum in general psychology and provides professionals with a broad perspective of the discipline of psychology, research skills and professional ethics. Advanced courses encourage students to consider current trends and challenges in fields that provide psychological services. In supplementing the core curriculum with electives in a variety of specialized areas, the M.A. strengthens professionals’ skills in both the theory and practice of psychology and related fields. Students can complete the M.A. in Psychology with 33 credits (30 credits of course work and 3 credits for the thesis) or 36 credits of course work and the completion of a comprehensive examination. The thesis provides an opportunity to work closely with a faculty member in a selected area of expertise.

The master’s program prepares graduates to work in a variety of mental health or human service settings, including mental health care facilities, child welfare and family counseling agencies, institutions for the aged, and other social and community organizations. Graduates are also prepared for admission to programs of advanced study in psychology, such as the Ph.D. and Psy.D. programs.

Admission to the M.A. Program
Applicants to the M.A. program must have completed at least 12 undergraduate credits of psychology, including statistics, with a grade point average of at least 2.75. In addition, they must submit letters of recommendation from two professors. Admission to the M.A. program in no way implies acceptance into the Ph.D. program. Nonetheless, outstanding master’s degree candidates are admitted into doctoral courses with the permission of the directors of both programs, and some M.A. graduates are accepted into the Ph.D. program. Both graduate programs are committed to increasing the enrollment of aspiring minority students.

All applicants to the Ph.D. program who were not accepted for admission to the Ph.D. program will have their applications automatically forwarded to the M.A. program for review and possible admission.

M.A. Degree Requirements and Time Limits
The M.A. program is ordinarily completed in one and one half to two years of intensive study. The time limit for the M.A. degree is five years. Candidates must have completed 33 credits, which includes an acceptable thesis (10 courses plus Psychology 709M, Master’s Thesis Supervision), or 36 credits (12 courses) and pass a written comprehensive examination. These courses must be successfully completed before registration for the comprehensive examination. Credit for courses taken outside the Department of Psychology must be approved by the master’s program director and will be limited to a maximum of six credits.

Curriculum for M.A. Degree
The typical curriculum for the M.A. degree consists of 600-level courses designated by the letter M, which are offered in weekday late afternoon, evening or weekend classes. Some psychology courses are open to both M.A. and Ph.D. students without prerequisite.
Core Course Requirements
Twelve (12) Credits Required.
PSY 603M Contemporary Psychological Theories 3.00
PSY 616M Statistical and Research Methodology I 3.00
PSY 617M Stastistical and Research Methodology II 3.00
PSY 665M Professional Issues and Ethics in Psychology 3.00
Psychology Course Requirements
At least twenty-seven (27) credits from psychology masters courses.
M.A. in Psychology Non-Thesis Option
Thirty-six (36) total credits required
Non-Thesis Option
Six (6) additional credits in psychology Written comprehensive examination.
M.A. in Psychology Thesis Option
Thirty-three (33) total credits required.
Thesis Option
Three (3) credits from psychology 709M