About LIU Pharmacy

Welcome to LIU Pharmacy

LIU Pharmacy (The Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences), the oldest unit of LIU, was established in 1886 as the “Brooklyn College of Pharmacy” by the Kings County Pharmaceutical Society. Objectives of the Society in creating the College included the following “...to improve the science and art of pharmacy by diffusing knowledge among the apothecaries and druggists, fostering pharmaceutical literature, developing talent for pharmaceutical pursuit and investigation, and stimulating discovery and invention in the several departments of the drug business.”

In 1929, the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy affiliated with LIU, one of the largest independent universities in the United States. Located, since 1976, at LIU Brooklyn, the College attracts a diverse student population that strives to grow personally, intellectually and professionally in pharmacy and related fields.

LIU Pharmacy has completed more than 130 years of service to the state and the nation in the education of more than 20,000 undergraduate and graduate students, many of who have attained prominence in pharmacy and the other health professions. As we move forward, we look back with pride at our distinguished heritage and we eagerly dedicate ourselves to excellence in the education of the pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists of tomorrow.


LIU Pharmacy
Arash T. Dabestani
