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Karen Ogulnick

Associate Professor of EducationDirector, TESOL/Bilingual Education

B.S., SUNY PlattsburghM.A., Hunter College, CUNYPh.D., New York University


Research interests 

Language learning and gender Identity; Bilingual Education; Indigenous language rights; Language revitalization. 


Language Learning and Identity, TESOL


Ogulnick, Karen. "Personal Naratives for Spriritual Understanding and Empowerment in the ESL Classroom." In Sharon Shelton Colangelo & Carolina Mancuso (Eds). Teaching  with a Heart: Educational Practices for the Twenty-First Century. Altamira. 2007. Print.
Ogulnick, Karen. “Popular Education and Language Rights in Indigenous Mayan       Communities: Emergence of New Social Actors and Gendered Voices. In Garcia, O & Skutnabb-Kangas,T. (Eds). Imagining Multilingual Schools.  Multilingual Matters. 2006. Print. 

Ogulnick, Karen. “Expanding Indigenous Voices Through Popular Education Programs in Chiapas." In Miguel Mantero (Ed). Identity and Second Language Learning: Culture, Inquiry, and Dialogic Activity in Educational Contexts. Information Age Publishing. 2006. Print. 

Ogulnick, Karen L. Language Crossings: Negotiating the Self in a Multicultural World. New York: Teachers College, 2000. Print 

Ogulnick, Karen L. “Entering the Fictive World: Enhancing the Reading Experience. 
Annual editions Teaching English as a Second Language. Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. 2000. 

Ogulnick, Karen. "Introspection as a Method of Raising Critical Language Awareness." The Journal of Humanistic Education and Development. 37 (1999): 145-59. Print.

Ogulnick, Karen. Onna Rashiku (Like a Woman): the Diary of a Language Learner in Japan. Albany, NY: State University of New York, 1998. Print.


Fulbright Scholar in TEFL/Applied Lingustics. Burma, 2013-2014.

Fulbright Specialist in TEFL/Applied Linguistics, Colombia, 2012

Fulbright Specialist in TEFL/Applied Linguistics, Chile, 2005.

Clinton Legislative Grant. Professional Development for Language Minority Students, Westbury High School, 2004-2006 

Mexico North Research Network Grant. Summer 2004

Fulbright Scholar in TEFL/Applied Linguistics. Mexico, 2002-2003

David Newton Award for Outstanding Teaching
Long Island University. 2001

International Association of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
National Association of Bilingual Education
American Association of Applied Linguistics