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Jeong-Eun Rhee

Professor of Education

B.A., Educational Psychology, Ewha Women's University, Seoul, Korea. M.A., Educational Psychology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Ph.D., School of Educational Policy and Leadership, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.


Qualitative Research Methodologies; Educational Politics and Policy in Local and Global Societies; Educational Leadership and Pedagogy for Social Justice; Issues of Race, Class, Gender, Immigration, and Religion in Education; international Education; Postcolonial/decolonizing theories


Editorial Work

Chiders, S., Daza, S., & Rhee, J. (Eds.). (2015). Promiscuous feminist methodologies in education: Engaging research beyond gender. London: Routledge

Childers, S., Rhee, J., & Daza, S. (Eds.). (2013). Promiscuous (use of) feminist methodologies: The dirty theory and messy practice of feminist educational research beyond gender. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26 (5), 507-628.

Rhee, J., & Subreenduth, S. (Eds.). (2006). De/colonizing education: Examining transnational localities. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 19 (5), 545-672

Articles and Book Chapters

Subedi, B. & Rhee, J. (In Press). Transformative spirituality and citizenship. In Davies, I., Ho, L., Kiwan, D., Peck, C., Peterson, A., Sant, E., & Waghid, Y (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education.

Daza, S. Rhee, J., Subedi, B., & Subreenduth, S. (In Press). Activism as/in/for global citizenship: Putting un-learning to work towards educating the future. In Davies, I., Ho, L., Kiwan, D., Peck, C., Peterson, A., Sant, E., & Waghid, Y (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education.

Daza, S., Subreenduth, S., Rhee, J., & Proctor, M. (2015). Funding re/de/form in higher education: Diverse points of engagement. In Sturges, K. M. (ed), Reforming schools in the age of neoliberalism (pp.149-184). Boston, MA: Sense Publishers.

Rhee, J., & Subedi, B. (2014). Colonizing and decolonizing project of re/covering spirituality. Educational Studies, 50, 340-357.

Rhee, J. (2013). The neoliberal racial project, governmentality, and the Tiger mother. Educational Theory, 63 (6), 561-580

Coloma, R., Daza, S., Rhee, J., Subedi, B., & Subreenduth, S. (2013). Decolonizing local/global formations: Educational theory in the era of neoliberalism. Educational Theory, 63(6), 559-560.

Rhee, J. (2013). Methodology of leaving America for Asia: Reading South Korea’s social studies textbooks through Chen Kuan-Hsing’s Asia as method. Qualitative Research in Education, 2 (3), 328-354.

Rhee, J. (2013). Working on a failed research: Promiscuity of wanting and doing both ways.  International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26 (5), 553-566.

Childers, S., Rhee, J., & Daza, S. (2013). Promiscuous (use of) feminist methodologies: The dirty theory and messy practice of feminist educational research beyond gender. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26 (5), 507-523.

Subreenduth, S., & Rhee, J. (2010). Decolonizing identity politics using a circulatory mode of self: Engaging transnational reflexivity. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 23 (3), 331-346.

Rhee, J. (2009).  International education, new imperialism, and technologies of self: Branding the globally educated self.  Multicultural Education Review, 1 (1), 55-81.

Rhee, J. (2009). Re/membering (to) shifting alignments: Korean women’s transnational narratives in U.S. higher education. In Harrison, B. (ed.), Life story research IV (pp. 276-299). London: SAGE.   (**This is a reprint of my 2006 QSE article.)

Rhee, J. (2009). Dis/locating oriental citizen-subject makings: A postcolonial reading of Korean/Asian American women's narratives. In Coloma, R. S. (ed.), The postcolonial challenge in education (pp.249-267). New York: Peter Lang. 

Rhee, J. (2009). Drinking U.S. water: Flowing narratives of a traveling Korean woman researcher in U.S. higher education. In Kouritzin, S., Piquemal, N., & Norman, R. (Eds.), Qualitative research: Challenging the orthodoxies in standard academic discourse(s) (pp.151-168). New York: Routledge.

Rhee, J. (2008). Auto/ethnography of traveling korean women in U.S. higher education. In Kim, Y. (ed), Qualitative research exemplars in Korea (pp. 565-587).  Seoul: Moonum.

Rhee, J. (2008). Risking to be wounded again: Performing open eye/I. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 11 (1), 29-40.

Subedi, B., & Rhee, J. (2008). Negotiating collaboration across differences, Qualitative Inquiry, 14 (6), 1070-1092. 

Rhee, J. (2006). Re/membering (to) shifting alignments: Korean women’s transnational narratives in U.S. higher education, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 19 (5), 595-615.

Rhee, J., & Subreenduth, S. (2006). De/colonizing education: Examining transnational localities. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 19 (5), 545-548.

Rhee, J. & Sagaria, M. (2004). International students: Constructions of imperialism in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Review of Higher Education, 28 (1), 77-96.

Rhee, J. (2003). Traveling through our stuck places: Race, gender, and cultural citizenship, Inquiry: Critical Thinking across the Discipline, XXII (2), 45-56.

Book Reviews and Other Writings

Daza, S., & Rhee, J. (2013). Book review: Ecojustice education: Toward diverse, democratic, and sustainable communities by Martusewicz, R. A., J. Edmondson, & J. Lupinacci, Educational Studies, 49 (5), 465-470.

Rhee, J. (2004). Book review: The compassionate classroom: Relationship based teaching & learning by Sura Hart &   Victoria Hodson, Encounter: Education for Meaning & Social Justice, 17 (2), 57-60.