Scott Raymond Torns
Assistant Professor of EducationChairman of Outcomes Assessment
D.C., New York Chiropractic College
“Enhancing the lives of those around me has always been of great importance. Blending 18 years of clinical experience and my pedagogical skills affords me the opportunity to present a more comprehensive and cohesive curriculum for the students at LIU- Post. To possess appropriate knowledge and further, to have the ability to implement that knowledge to positively impact the lives of those around us should be everybody’s aspiration. Long Island University provides a wonderful forum for the exchange of ideas and for personal growth.” - SRT
Kinesiology, biomechanics, motor development, motor learning, critical health issues, and substance abuse
Author, “Atlas Vertebra Realignment and Arterial Blood Pressure Regulation.” Published in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research
Author, “Atlas Correction and Restoration of a Primitive Reflexes in a Seven-Month-Old infant. A Case Report.” Published in the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association.
Lectures and Presentations
Dr. Torns has lectured on a variety of topics including, but not limited to, dynamic warm-up and range of motion, core strengthening and conditioning, injury prevention, the biomechanics of the lower extremity, stress reduction, and the upper and lower crossed syndrome with their associated injuries through AHPERD and other professional organizations.
Peer-reviewed Presentations
Presenter, “How Hot Is Your Game? Exploring Specific Dynamic Warm-up.” NYS-AHPERD, (presented with the HPE Department’s “J. B. Nash Outstanding Major” award recipient)
Presenter, “Are You Rotten To The Core II” NYS-AHPERD
Presenter, “Are You Rotten to the Core.” Nassau Zone Conference, NYS-AHPERD
Presenter, “It’s Ten O’clock, Do You Know Where Your Feet Are?” Nassau Zone Conference, NYS-AHPERD
Presenter, “Career paths in Sports Medicine” NYS Sports Medicine Teachers Conference
Recipient, Academic Excellence Award in Health and Physical Education, 2005
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
American Association for Health Education
American Chiropractic Association