Computer Science/Digital Fluency

Advanced Certificate in Computer Science/Digital Fluency

The Advanced Certificate in Computer Science/Digital Fluency Education is an extension certification for in-service teachers and library media specialists, designed to satisfy requirement for the NYSED teacher certification in Computer Science and Digital Fluency. The certificate is offered as an online program.

This 12 credit program is designed as a collaboration between the CEIT Palmer School’s MSLIS in School Library Media, which already offers Digital Fluency and impacts of technology in its curriculum and the College of Science, Department of Engineering, Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence, which teaches hard science components of the NYSED Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards. Upon completion of the certificate, students have the opportunity to enroll in either the Master of Science in Library and Information Science OR the Master of Science in Computer Science programs.

Course Descriptions:

LIS 508: Computer Systems and Networking: A comprehensive introduction to computer environments, platforms and communication technologies for information storage and retrieval. Emphasis is place on the work requirements underlying the management and operation of information systems and related security and risk concerns. Coursework includes basic operational theories that focus on hardware, software, operating systems, Internet communication, and ethical concerns

LIS 707: User Experience (formerly HCI: Human Computer Interaction): Overview of foundations, interaction design and evaluation techniques in user experience (UX).Topics include the psychological and social aspects of users, the impact of user characteristics on design decisions. Students acquire practical skills in collecting user needs, prototype design and evaluating information systems

AI 602: Programming in Python: Problem solving, algorithmic design, and implementation using Python programming. Topics include fundamental data types and associated collection data types, I/O processing, conditional and loop constructs, as well as use and implementation of functions. The first part of the course has a thorough presentation of Object-Oriented programming. One hour laboratory

AI 680: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Present and Future: Provides a background overview of contemporary work in symbolic AI and looks at the relationship between statistical and two logical approaches to AI; examines the concepts and methodologies used in constructing intelligent computer programs and addresses philosophical and ethical issues. The course surveys state-of-the-art AI systems and techniques in various subfields; eg. agents and reasoning; planning/constraints and uncertainty; google search and the semantic web; dialogue and machine translation; and varieties of learning. Students will implement an AI project. One hour laboratory


LIS 725: Instructional Technologies, Applications, and Media Literacy: Focus on digital fluency and media literacy with hands on application, aligned to the Computer Science/Digital Fluency standards. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in designing instruction for digital citizenship, including privacy and consequence of online activities; use digital tools and emerging technologies for communication and collaboration

LIS 901: AI for Educators: Designed to empower educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of education; course explores the intersection of AI and education, delving into the fundamental concepts of AI and machine learning and their applications within educational contexts. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how AI can impact curriculum design, personalized learning experiences, and administrative efficiency.


Dr. Bea Baaden
Director of the Palmer School
516 299 3818


College of Education, Information, and Technology