Educational Leadership & Administration


M.S. ED in School District Business Leader

The 36-credit Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.) in School District Business Leader prepares graduates for the positions of assistant, associate or deputy superintendent for business. Course work includes 30 hours in school administration as well as a 400-hour supervised internship in a school business office. Courses include issues involving school finance, school business administration, the school budget process and school district administration. Students without teaching experience may qualify for New York State certification as a School District Business Leader.

Candidates for this program must have a bachelor’s degree, an appropriate career background and prior graduate work or anticipation of further graduate work. Upon completion of their coursework students must pass the New York State School Leadership Assessment in order to be certified as a school district business leader.

Note: New York State certification as a School District Business Leader requires a total of 60 graduate credits, including the master’s degree. Consult the State Education Department for more information.

Program Curriculum

Required Courses

Administration Core Courses

EDL 630

Administrative Core I


EDL 631

Administrative Core II


School District Business Leadership Courses

EDL 633

School Business Administration


EDL 635

School Law


EDL 636

Public School Finance  


EDL 641

School District Administration: Problems and Issues


EDL 652

Seminar in School Business Office


Elective School District Business Leadership Courses:

EDL 634

School Personnel Administration


EDL 643

School Plant Planning


Required School Business Leader Internship Course

Internship in School Administration – Master’s Level

EDL 650

Internship in School Administration – Master’s Level


Credit and GPA Requirements

Minimum Total Credits: 36

Minimum Major Credits: 3.00


EDL 630 Administrative Core I

This course presents a balanced viewpoint of theory and practice in analyzing current issues in administration.  This sequence includes three interrelated areas within the field of school administration.  They are: human relations, leadership, and school-community relations.

6 Credits

EDL 631 Administrative Core II


The goals of this course are to have students become wise consumers of educational research, knowledgeable about the business functions of the school district, and uses of computers to solve administration problems.


3 Credits


EDL 633 School Business Administration  


This course is a study of the basic areas of responsibility of the school business administrator.  Major topics include the role of the school business administrator; budgeting; accounting; purchasing; insurance; operation and maintenance; transportation and food service.


3 Credits


EDL 634 School Personnel Administration


This is a study of the skills, attitudes and knowledge essential for effective school personnel administration.  Areas of concentration for the school personnel administrator include recruitment, certification; selection; assignment; load and transfer; orientation; salaries and scheduling; leave of absence; tenure; in-service education; personnel records; morale; retirement; professional associations and collective bargaining.


3 Credits

EDL 635 School Law


This course is a study of the major topics of law related to public schools.  Areas of concentration include sources of the law; scope of the law; law and the organization for public education; pupils, employees and school law; school officers and the law; theory of governmental non-liability; liability and individual members of the board and personal liability of school employees.


3 Credits

EDL 636 Public School Finance


This course is a study of public school finance.  Major topics include the development of public school finance in the United States; principles of school finance; revenues; expenditures and indebtedness; fiscal problems; the foundation program; fiscal control and school support formulas.


3 Credits

EDL 641 School District Administration: Problems and Issues


This course is a study of the role and responsibilities of the school district administrator in a school system.  Major topics include: organizational, professional and legal issues in school district administration and organizational decision-making; emerging responsibilities in working relationships among school district administrators and the board and community; critical economic, political and social issues confronting educational leadership.


3 Credits

EDL 643 School Plant Planning


This course is an analysis of needs and program determination for educational facilities.  The course   includes the planning of functional and environmental aspects of school building design and utilization, demographic studies; financing of school buildings construction and school building renovations.  Also included is the use of abandoned school buildings and the implementation or development of reduction programs.


3 Credits

EDL 650 Internship in School Administration- Master’s Level (400 hours)


During the internship, the six major core areas are reintroduced, providing a synthesizing experience for the student.  Practical applications of systematic observation and participation in administrative and supervisory activities are provided at the school district level.

6 Credits


EDL 652 Seminar in School Business Office


This course provides the student with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the district school business official.  Topics include an overview of the school business office and responsibilities of the internal and external auditors and the district treasurer.  In addition, the course focuses on fund accounting principles, the uniform system of accounts, fund balance management, extra classroom activity funds, tax rates and the budget process.


3 Credits



College of Education, Information, and Technology