Public Safety

Campus Firearms & Weapon Policy

Long Island University strictly prohibits the possession of firearms on all campuses.  Other than police officers or military personnel on active duty, no person, including a licensee, may possess firearms anywhere on campus, whether in a building or on the grounds, without the prior written permission of the campus Provost and Director of Public Safety. This prohibition extends to University owned and University controlled locations, including sites leased for educational purposes and housing obtained through the Offices of Residential Services.  

The possession of dangerous weapons on any University owned or controlled site is also strictly prohibited. The terms "firearm" and "dangerous weapons" include, by way of example only, any pistol, revolver, incendiary bomb, switchblade, dagger or bludgeon, as well as harmless instruments designed to look like weapons. See Article 265 of the NYS Penal Law, by clicking here.

Violators of this policy will be subject to immediate disciplinary action and potential criminal prosecution.

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